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Apps and processes

What certificates are installed/being used?

Host level certificates details to be added later. You can query for ACM certificates in AWS.

Find Certificate
Find * that (HAS|USES) Certificate return tree

What certificates are used for which service?

Host level certificates details to be added later. You can query for ACM certificates in AWS.

Returns a graph of the resources that uses certificates

Find Certificate that relates to * return tree

Find certificates that are set to expire within 30 days

Find Certificate with expiresOn < + 30days

What versions of software / applications do I have running?

Requires integrations that provide application information. For example, SAML SSO applications from Okta, or macOS apps from Jamf.

Find Application as app
return app._type, app.displayName, app.status

To keep the entity data structure less noisy, different versions of the same Application are not stored as separate entities. Rather, the version data is kept on the relationship between the host or endpoint device that has installed the application._

Find unique * that (USES|INSTALLED) as installation Application as app
return app._type, app.displayName, installation.version

What software applications are not being used?

Find Application that !(ASSIGNED|USES) *

When was the last time a service or server runtime was refreshed / updated / cycled?

Returns EC2 instances and the AMI images they are using, and the creation timestamp of the AMI:

Find Host as h that uses Image as i
h.tag.AccountName, h.displayName, h.instanceId,
i.displayName, i.imageId, i.createdOn
order by

Returns Lambda functions and when they were last updated:

Find Function as f
return f.tag.AccountName, f.displayName, f.updatedOn, f.lastModified
order by f.tag.AccountName