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Billing FAQs (Legacy)

This page includes FAQ entries for the old billing models. If in doubt regarding billing please check with your customer support representative.

Q: What are asset operations? What functions make up asset operations?


The Employee and Asset Operations (AO) billing model is deprecated for new customers

Asset operations for the JupiterOne security platform is defined as the cumulative count over a month of the changes to the J1 graph: create, delete, and update operations for entities and relationships.

The following is the full list of asset operation functions that count towards the asset operations total:

  • create_entity
  • update_entity
  • delete_entity
  • remap_entity
  • create_relationship
  • update_relationship
  • create_mapped_relationship
  • delete_relationship
  • delete_integration

Q: What is the billable entities licensing model? What are entities? And how are they counted for usage/billing?


The Billable Entities (BE) model is deprecated for new customers

Prior to 2023, JupiterOne used the billable entities licensing model. This model is now deprecated and the asset operations model applies going forward.

The billable entities model counted the number of entities under management in the JupiterOne account.

An entity is a node stored in the JupiterOne graph database. Entities typically come from an integration. They can also be added via the Asset Inventory web app or API (custom scripts).

Each entity represents an object from your organization's digital operational environment. Examples include an AWS EC2 instance, RDS DB cluster, RDS DB instance, IAM role, IAM policy, user endpoint, etc.

The following entities are not counted for billing/usage calculation:

  • Mapped Entities -- these are entities with _source='system-mapper' property. These are entities derived by the JupiterOne Mapper, such as an external Network or Host entity created because a security group contains a rule pointing to it.

  • System Internal Entities -- these are entities with _source='system-internal' property. These are internal JupiterOne system/app generated resources that are mapped to the graph as entities, such as compliance_standard, compliance_requirement, etc.

  • Findings and PRs -- these entities are considered "event-like" and not true resources in an digital operating environment, therefore they are not being counted for usage/billing purpose.

  • Images, NetworkInterfaces, and IpAddress -- these entities are also not counted against the usage or billing.

  • Records and DomainRecords -- records such as DNS records, Jira issues are not considered as billable.

Billable entities count is averaged daily, and again monthly. This can be viewed by going to Settings -> Account Management in the JupiterOne web UI.


There is a soft-limit on non-billable entities. Depending on your JupiterOne subscription plan, the soft-limit is 2x, 5x or 10x of the total billable entities limit.

For example, if your purchased the Enterprise Premier plan with 50,000 billable entities, you can have up to 500,000 non-billable entities.

You can also run the following query in your account to get a live count of your billable entities:

FIND * WITH  _source !^= "system-"
AND _class != ("Finding" OR "PR" OR "Image" OR "NetworkInterface" OR "IpAddress" OR "Record" OR "DomainRecord") AS e
RETURN COUNT(e) AS billableEntityCount

Billable entities table


This table is not exhaustive, it only indicates examples of the most common classes and their billable status.

AccessKeyA key used to grant access, such as ssh-key, access-key, api-key/token, mfa-token/device, etc.Yes
AccessPolicyA policy for access control assigned to a Host, Role, User, UserGroup, or Service.Yes
AccessRoleAn access control role mapped to a Principal (e.g. user, group, or service).Yes
AccountAn organizational account for a service or a set of services (e.g. AWS, Okta, Bitbucket Team, Google G-Suite account, Apple Developer Account). Each Account should be connected to a Service.DescriptionYes
ApplicationA software product or application.Yes
ApplicationEndpointAn application endpoint is a program interface that either initiates or receives a request, such as an API.Yes
AssessmentAn object to represent an assessment, including both compliance assessment such as a HIPAA Risk Assessment or a technical assessment such as a Penetration Testing. Each assessment should have findings (e.g. Vulnerability or Risk) associated.Yes
AttackerAn attacker or threat actor.Yes
BackupA specific repository or data store containing backup data.Yes
CertificateA digital Certificate such as an SSL or S/MIME certificate.Yes
ChannelA communication channel, such as a Slack channel or AWS SNS topic.Yes
ClusterA cluster of compute or database resources/workloads.Yes
CodeCommitA code commit to a repo. The commit id is captured in the _id property of the Entity.No
CodeDeployA code deploy job.Yes
CodeModuleA software module. Such as an npm_module or java_library.Yes
CodeRepoA source code repository. A CodeRepo is also a DataRepository therefore should carry all the required properties of DataRepository.Yes
CodeReviewA code review record.Yes
ConfigurationA Configuration contains definitions that describe a resource such as a Task, Deployment or Workload. For example, an aws_ecs_task_definition is a Configuration.Yes
ContainerA standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies and configurations.Yes
ControlA security or IT Control. A control can be implemented by a vendor/service, a person/team, a program/process, an automation code/script/configuration, or a system/host/device. Therefore, this is most likely an additional Class applied to a Service (e.g. Okta SSO), a Device (e.g. a physical firewall), or a HostAgent (e.g. Carbon Black CbDefense Agent). Controls are mapped to security policy procedures and compliance standards/requirements.Yes
ControlPolicyAn technical or operational policy with rules that govern (or enforce, evaluate, monitor) a security control.Yes
CryptoKeyA key used to perform cryptographic functions, such as an encryption key.Yes
DataObjectAn individual data object, such as an aws-s3-object, sharepoint-document, source-code, or a file (on disk). The exact data type is described in the _type property of the Entity.No
DataStoreA virtual repository where data is stored, such as aws-s3-bucket, aws-rds-cluster, aws-dynamodb-table, bitbucket-repo, sharepoint-site, docker-registry. The exact type is described in the _type property of the Entity.Yes
DatabaseA database cluster/instance.Yes
DeploymentA deployment of code, application, infrastructure or service. For example, a Kubernetes deployment. An auto scaling group is also considered a deployment.Yes
DeviceA physical device or media, such as a server, laptop, workstation, smartphone, tablet, router, firewall, switch, wifi-access-point, usb-drive, etc. The exact data type is described in the _type property of the Entity.Yes
DirectoryDirectory, such as LDAP or Active Directory.Yes
DiskA disk storage device such as an AWS EBS volumeYes
DocumentA document or data object.No
DomainAn internet domain.Yes
DomainRecordThe DNS Record of a Domain Zone.No
DomainZoneThe DNS Zone of an Internet Domain.Yes
FindingA security finding, which may be a vulnerability or just an informative issue. A single finding may impact one or more resources. The IMPACTS relationship between the Vulnerability and the resource entity that was impacted serves as the record of the finding. The IMPACTS relationship carries properties such as 'identifiedOn', 'remediatedOn', 'remediationDueOn', 'issueLink', etc.No
FirewallA piece of hardware or software that protects a network/host/application.Yes
FrameworkAn object to represent a standard compliance or technical security framework.Yes
FunctionA virtual application function. For example, an aws_lambda_function, azure_function, or google_cloud_functionYes
GatewayA gateway/proxy that can be a system/appliance or software service, such as a network router or application gateway.Yes
GroupA defined, generic group of Entities. This could represent a group of Resources, Users, Workloads, DataRepositories, etc.Yes
HostA compute instance that itself owns a whole network stack and serves as an environment for workloads. Typically it runs an operating system. The exact host type is described in the _type property of the Entity. The UUID of the host should be captured in the _id property of the EntityYes
HostAgentA software agent or sensor that runs on a host/endpoint.Yes
ImageA system image. For example, an AWS AMI (Amazon Machine Image).No
IncidentAn operational or security incident.Yes
InternetThe Internet node in the graph. There should be only one Internet node.No
IpAddressAn re-assignable IpAddress resource entity. Do not create an entity for an IP Address configured on a Host. Use this only if the IP Address is a reusable resource, such as an Elastic IP Address object in AWS.No
KeyAn ssh-key, access-key, api-key/token, pgp-key, etc.Yes
LogsA specific repository or destination containing application, network, or system logs.Yes
ModuleA software or hardware module. Such as an npm_module or java_library.Yes
NetworkA network, such as an aws-vpc, aws-subnet, cisco-meraki-vlan.Yes
NetworkEndpointA network endpoint for connecting to or accessing network resources. For example, NFS mount targets or VPN endpoints.Yes
NetworkInterfaceAn re-assignable software defined network interface resource entity. Do not create an entity for a network interface configured on a Host. Use this only if the network interface is a reusable resource, such as an Elastic Network Interface object in AWS.No
OrganizationAn organization, such as a company (e.g. JupiterOne) or a business unit (e.g. HR). An organization can be internal or external. Note that there is a more specific Vendor class.Yes
PRA pull request.No
PasswordPolicyA password policy is a specific Ruleset. It is separately defined because of its pervasive usage across digital environments and the well known properties (such as length and complexity) unique to a password policy.Yes
PersonAn entity that represents an actual person, such as an employee of an organization.Yes
PolicyA written policy documentation.Yes
ProcedureA written procedure and control documentation. A Procedure typically IMPLEMENTS a parent Policy. An actual Control further IMPLEMENTS a Procedure.Yes
ProcessA compute process -- i.e. an instance of a computer program / software application that is being executed by one or many threads. This is NOT a program level operational process (i.e. a Procedure).Yes
ProductA product developed by the organization, such as a software product.Yes
ProgramA program. For example, a bug bounty/vuln disclosure program.Yes
ProjectA software development project. Can be used for other generic projects as well but the defined properties are geared towards software development projects.Yes
QueueA scheduling queue of computing processes or devices.Yes
RecordA DNS record; or an official record (e.g. Risk); or a written document (e.g. Policy/Procedure); or a reference (e.g. Vulnerability/Weakness). The exact record type is captured in the _type property of the Entity.No
RepositoryA repository that contains resources. For example, a Docker container registry repository hosting Docker container images.Yes
RequirementAn individual requirement for security, compliance, regulation or design.Yes
ResourceA generic assignable resource. A resource is typically non-functional by itself unless used by or attached to a host or workload.Yes
ReviewA review record.Yes
RiskAn object that represents an identified Risk as the result of an Assessment. The collection of Risk objects in JupiterOne make up the Risk Register. A Control may have a MITIGATES relationship to a Risk.Ye
RootThe root node in the graph. There should be only one Root node per organization account.Yes
RuleAn operational or configuration compliance rule, often part of a Ruleset.Yes
RulesetAn operational or configuration compliance ruleset with rules that govern (or enforce, evaluate, monitor) a security control or IT system.Yes
ScannerA system vulnerability, application code or network infrastructure scanner.Yes
SecretA configuration item representing a secret token of some form.Yes
SectionAn object to represent a section such as a compliance section.Yes
ServiceA service provided by a vendor.Yes
SiteThe physical location of an organization. A Person (i.e. employee) would typically has a relationship to a Site (i.e. located_at or work_at). Also used as the abstract reference to AWS Regions.Yes
StandardAn object to represent a standard such as a compliance or technical standard.Yes
SubscriptionA subscription to a service or channel.Yes
TaskA computational task. Examples include AWS Batch Job, ECS Task, etc.Yes
TeamA team consists of multiple member Person entities. For example, the Development team or the Security team.Yes
ThreatIntelThreat intelligence captures information collected from vulnerability risk analysis by those with substantive expertise and access to all-source information. Threat intelligence helps a security professional determine the risk of a vulnerability finding to their organization.Yes
TrainingA training module, such as a security awareness training or secure development training.Yes
UserA user account/login to access certain systems and/or services. Examples include okta-user, aws-iam-user, ssh-user, local-user (on a host), etc.Yes
UserGroupA user group, typically associated with some type of access control, such as a group in Okta or in Office365. If a UserGroup has an access policy attached, and all member Users of the UserGroup would inherit the policy.Yes
VaultA collection of secrets such as a key ringYes
VendorAn external organization that is a vendor or service provider.Yes
VulnerabilityA security vulnerability (application or system or infrastructure). A single vulnerability may relate to multiple findings and impact multiple resources. The IMPACTS relationship between the Vulnerability and the resource entity that was impacted serves as the record of the finding. The IMPACTS relationship carries properties such as 'identifiedOn', 'remediatedOn', 'remediationDueOn', 'issueLink', etc.Yes
WeaknessA security weakness.Yes
WorkloadA virtual compute instance, it could be an aws-ec2-instance, a docker-container, an aws-lambda-function, an application-process, or a vmware-instance. The exact workload type is described in the _type property of the Entity.Yes
[System Mapped Entities]Entities with _source='system-mapper'No
[System Internal Entities]Entities with _source='system-internal'No
[Custom Created Entities]Entities created with a custom-defined _class or _typeYes