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Policy Builder CLI

Policy and procedure documents can now be managed in code and version controlled using a Git repository. This approach brings numerous benefits, such as improved collaboration, easier revisions and reviews, and better traceability of changes over time. JupiterOne offers a command-line interface (CLI) specifically designed to streamline the creation and management of policies and procedures.

Installing and Building

To get started, follow these steps to install and build the policies for the first time:

  1. Install the JupiterOne Policy Builder CLI by running the following command:

    npm install -g @jupiterone/jupiter-policy-builder
  2. Create a new directory for your company's policies:

    mkdir my-company-policies
    cd my-company-policies
  3. Build the policies by running the following command:

    psp build

    During the build process, you will be prompted to provide some inputs, such as your company name, which will be included in the policy text.

  4. When prompted to save the configuration to a file, enter config.json or choose a custom path. Saving the configuration allows you to easily reference the populated configurations for future policy rebuilds.

After completing these steps, the following contents will be created in your current directory:

  • ./templates: Contains the template files used for editing policies.
  • ./partials: Contains partial files used to generate the policy documents.
  • ./docs: Contains the generated policy documents.

For more details about these files and their usage, refer to the JupiterOne Policies Structure documentation.

Editing and Rebuilding

To make changes to the policies and procedures, you can edit the template files located in the ./templates directory. Avoid directly modifying the ./docs and ./partials files, as they will be overwritten during the next build.

After making changes, you can rebuild the policies using the following command:

psp build -t ./templates -c path/to/your/config.json

This command will regenerate the policy documents based on your updated templates and configurations.


To publish your policies and procedures to your JupiterOne account, follow these steps:

  1. Generate an API key for your user by referring to the API Key Access documentation.

  2. Set the environment variables for your JupiterOne account ID and API key:

         export J1_ACCOUNT=<your_j1_account_id>\
    export J1_API_KEY=<your_user_api_key>
  3. Run the following command to publish your policies and procedures:

    psp publish -a $J1_ACCOUNT -k $J1_API_KEY -t ./templates -c ./config.json

Please note that your user needs to have policies admin permissions in order to publish the policies successfully.

Advanced Options

For additional details and advanced options, refer to the README file available here. This README provides more in-depth information on using the Policy Builder CLI and its various features.