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Resource Allowlist tool

JupiterOne provides a resource allowlisting tool as a Power Up for all Enterprise customers and all Premium customers who have added the Power Up Pack.

This Power Up enables you to list the applications, internal IP addresses, and external IP addresses that are approved, in use, and trusted by the organization. When an asset is created by the System Mapper, during the analysis of roles and policies in your account, or uploaded via API, the asset is checked against the allowlist. When a match is found, the asset is updated with an additional property for querying purposes.


To configure the resource allowlist:

  1. Click on Settings (the gear icon) and click Power Ups.
  2. Select Configure Resource Allowlist.
  3. Populate each allowlist, following the instructions outlined below.

Configure the Approved Applications Allowlist

When you create an Application asset in J1, the property approved is set equal to true if the name of the application matches a value listed under the allowlist Approved Applications.

You should add applications you approve to the list by name, for example:


After you have configured the allowlist, your application data is automatically enriched, and you can run useful queries such as the following to find non-approved applications installed on any device:

Find Device 
that installed Application with approved=false

Configure the Internal IP Addresses Allowlist

When you create a Host or Network asset in J1, the property internal is set equal to true if the ipAddress or privateIpAddress of the host or network matches a value listed under the Internal IP Addresses allowlist.

You should add internal IP addresses that you own to the list in CIDR notation, for example:

After you have configured the allowlist, your application data is automatically enriched, and you can run useful queries to find a list of external IP hosts and networks in your account, such as the following:

FIND (Host|Network) 
with _source!='integration-managed' and internal!=true

Configure the Trusted External IP Addresses Allowlist

When you create a Host or Network asset in J1, the property trusted is set equal to true if the ipAddress or privateIpAddress of the host or network matches a value listed under the Trusted External IP Addresses allowlist.

You should add the external IP addresses you trust to the list in CIDR notation, for example:

After you configure the list, your application data is automatically enriched, and you can run useful queries to see a graph of untrusted sources that have inbound SSH access to your environment, such as the following:

FIND Firewall that ALLOWS as rule (Host|Network)
with _source!='integration-managed' and trusted!=true
rule.ingress=true and rule.fromPort <= 22 and rule.toPort >=22