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JupiterOne March 2023 Release

New Features and Improvements

  • Your J1 Insights dashboards are now equipped with pagination in the data-table. This change makes your dashboards load quicker and provides a uniform data-table experience throughout J1.

  • The expandable properties panel with the preset graph views is now available when inspecting entities in the graph canvas.

  • All your csv exports links are now sent to the notification panel, which will allow you to move throughout your J1 workflows and get notified when your csv is ready to be download.

    Update to JupiterOne CSV Exports notifications

  • In J1 Compliance, you can now set compliance requirement applicability at the top level, giving you greater control over your compliance posture for your unique security needs. For requirements marked as not applicable, you can now provide the business justification with J1, saving time and providing clarity.

    JupiterOne Compliance requirements

  • The alert trend in your Alerts modal is updated to provide detailed information on the status of the rule that powers the alert outcome. The trend shows when an alert was triggered, the result count, as well as when a rule failed to evaluate.

    Update to the JupiterOne Alert modal

  • Your J1 Asset Inventory is now upgraded to be organized by asset category. This upgrade narrows down your inventory to get to what you need more quickly. This upgrade also comes with an increased focus on critical assets to help you monitor your most sensitive assets.

    Asset categories in JupiterOne

  • You can now customize you and your team's J1 Home experience with J1 Insights dashboards by publishing them to your users to pin as their default experience in J1.

    Updating home views with JupiterOne Insights dahsboards

  • Your query results csv download links now have date-specific filenames to help you organize your exports locally.

  • Your csv exports can now support multiple queries from Insights.

  • Alerts with multiple queries in the Rules now display all queries that power the Alert, along with additional information about when an action was triggered and the results.

    Rules display all queries in JupiterOne

  • For organizations using Google as their Identity Provider, JupiterOne now pulls in the users Google profile picture into their J1 user account.

  • You can now assign users of J1 to be notified for certain Alert Rules, including yourself or others. This assigns ownership and allows you to set up Alert Rules that notify a single user (or the users assigned) when triggered, rather than everyone.

  • Your AWS integrations now display parent-child relationships, allowing you to see the high-level view of how instances relate to each other.

    AWS parent-child relationship displaying in JupiterOne


  • Updated Artifactory to include the relationship for CodeRepo USES CodeModule.
  • For AWS ElastiCache, the following change was made: aws_elasticache_cluster_node USES aws_eni.

AWS CodeBuild

  • Added the AWS CodeBuild integration with the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class
    AWS CodeBuild Serviceaws_codebuildService
    CodeBuild Projectaws_codebuild_projectCodeRepo
    CodeBuild Report Groupaws_codebuild_report_groupResource

AWS Inspector

  • Added the AWS Inspector V2 integration with the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class
    AWS Inspector v2 Serviceaws_inspectorv2Service
    Inspector v2 Findingaws_inspectorv2_findingFinding

AWS Network Firewall Service

  • Added support for AWS Network Firewall Service with the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class
    AWS Network Firewall Serviceaws_networkfirewallService

AWS Shield Advance

  • Added support for additional entities for the AWS Shield Advance integration:

    Source_typeEntity class
    AWS Shield Protectionaws_shield_protectionFirewall
    AWS Shield Protection Groupaws_shield_protection_groupResourceGroup
    AWS Shield Serviceaws_shieldService
    AWS Shield Subscriptionaws_shield_subscriptionSubscription

AWS Kinesis Data Stream

  • Added the AWS Kinesis Data Stream integration with the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class
    AWS Kinesis Serviceaws_kinesisService
    AWS Kinesis Streamaws_kinesis_streamData Collection, Queue


  • AWS Lex now supports the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class
    AWS Lex V2 Botaws_lexv2_botModel
    AWS Lex V2 Bot Aliasaws_lexv2_bot_aliasModel
    AWS Lex V2 Serviceaws_lexv2Service

AWS Secrets Manager Service

  • Added support for the AWS Secrets Manager Service entity:

    Source_typeEntity class
    AWS Secrets Manager Serviceaws_secretsmanagerService

AWS Config Recorder: AccessAnalyzer, AC, API Gateway, AutoScaling, and ELB, and ELBV2

  • Added services to AWS Config Recorder integration with the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class
    Configservice Ruleaws_config_ruleControlPolicy
    Configservice Serviceaws_configService
    AWS AccessAnalyzer Serviceaws_accessanalyzerService
    AccessAnalyzer Analyzeraws_accessanalyzer_analyzerAssessment,Scanner
    AccessAnalyzer Findingaws_accessanalyzer_findingFinding
    AWS ACM Serviceaws_acmService
    AWS Autoscaling Serviceaws_autoscalingService
    Autoscaling Groupaws_autoscaling_groupDeployment, Group
    Autoscaling Launch Configuration`aws_autoscaling_launch_configurationConfiguration
    Autoscaling Policyaws_autoscaling_policyConfiguration
    ELB Application Load Balanceraws_albGateway
    ELB Gateway Load Balanceraws_elbGateway
    ELB Network Load Balanceraws_nlbGateway
    AWS ApiGateway Serviceaws_apigatewayService


  • Added a new integration for BigID.

  • The following entities are created:

    ResourcesEntity _typeEntity _class
    Data Sourcebigid_datasourceDataCollection
    PII Objectbigid_pii_objectRecord
  • The following relationships are created:

    Source Entity _typeRelationship _classTarget Entity _type
  • The follwing mapped relationships are created:

    Source Entity _typeRelationship _classTarget Entity _typeDirection


  • Added a new integration for Device42.

  • The following entities are created:

    ResourcesEntity _typeEntity _class
    End Userdevice42_enduserUser
  • The following relationships are created:

    Source Entity _typeRelationship _classTarget Entity _type


  • Added Polymer integration with the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class

XM Cyber

  • Added XM Cyber integration with the following entities:

    Source_typeEntity class

Bug Fixes

  • Deleted entities, if turned on, can be included in csv downloads after a recent download bug fix.
  • An issue in the J1 Insights navigation for reordering dashboards is resolved.
  • Insights PDF downloads received a fix to the download timeouts issue.
  • Problems with the Gaps view in J1 Compliance not loading are resolved.
  • Query table datetime formatting issues with strings received a fix.
  • A problem with removed frameworks still sending review emails is resolved.
  • Errors for png and pdf downloads in Insights have been resolved.
  • Errors for csv downloads have been resolved.
  • Issues with downloading evidence for specific requirements in J1 Compliance have been fixed.
  • A problem with the Alert Modal indefinitely loading due to query size has been resolved.

Coming Soon

  • Introducing: Asset Categories! J1 is reworking how assets are categorized, based on industry standards. These categorizes will persist throughout J1 to make searching and finding, the right information easier.
  • The home experience will become more flexible for your user groups by allowing you as an admin to publish J1 Insights dashboards to you and your user groups landing experience.
  • AWS Config Recorder will soon be a fully supported and generally available service to all J1 users via the J1 Integrations section of the platform.
  • Alert rules will soon alert on new results only, reducing duplicates from queries and cutting through the noise to highlight what is important and what needs your attention.
  • New trend chart visualizations are coming to Insights to help you and your teams answer key questions of your assets over time within the dashboarding experience.
  • You will soon be able to set alert rules at a user- level, meaning that you can set alerts up for yourself or for other users.
  • J1 Insights chart creation is about to get a whole lot easier with the introduction of chart previews as you write your queries in Insights.
  • The settings experience is getting a refresh that includes an updated look-and-feel, and new user management options that make searching for users, groups, and their permissions much easier.

Product Notice

  • As of April 15th, 2023, the JupiterOne Endpoint Compliance Agent powered by Stethoscope will be removed from the product and will no longer be supported by JupiterOne.