Extend your Device usecase with J1 to allow J1 AI to provide proactive insights into your unified_device inventory to help you identify which areas of your inventory should be focused on first.
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get involved!
You can now set a System of Record for your unified_device that will take authority when reporting properties about your devices to reflect your authoritative data source that will help you orient the devices to what you are used to seeing in your main source tool for Device data.
You can now use tags to narrow down your Device inventory based on applied business logic that you have to segment your inventory.
You can now copy values directly from the data table or launch a url into a new tab directly from the data table without needing to open the properties panel by right clicking on a cell value.
An additional property has been added called "kmsEncrypted" on the aws_cloudwatch_log_group entity which is equal to true if the log group is using a kmsKeyId