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Instance management

Once configured, integration instances can be accessed from the Integrations tab in JupiterOne. From the Integrations tab, select the integration for which you would like to view an instance(s).

Within that integration's page, a table containing all existing instances of that integration are displayed. The table contains the following information for each instance:

  • The Instance name: name assigned to the instance.
  • The # of Entities: the total number of entities, or assets, that are ingested by JupiterOne via the instance.
  • Most recent job status: the status of the integrations recent job status.
  • Most recent job date: displays the date for which the instance has most recently completed running.
  • The Schedule: shows the instance's polling interval frequency.

Calculate the number of instance entities

Within the # of Entities column, you can quickly calculate the number of data entities that are tied to a particular instance by selecting Calculate.

To view those entities via J1QL query, select the "link out" icon to be redirected to a J1QL query and results page outlining your integration instance's entities (comprised of entity._type, and count(entity)).

View instance summary and jobs

By clicking on an instance's name from within the table, you can view a more detailed set of instance-specific information.

Instance summary

The instance summary provides additional details of the instance itself and the data associated to it. In the Summary, you can find:

  • The instance Id: which is used to associate the instance with the data it ingests into JupiterOne
  • The instance Account name, Description, and Polling interval as defined during creation.
  • Specific Scopes if applicable to the integration.
  • Any Tags associated to the instance.

Instance jobs

Integration instance jobs are run according to the instance's determined polling interval. For example, if an instance has a weekly polling interval, the job will trigger on a weekly basis for which ever day and time have been configured (e.g., every Monday at 12:00AM).

To review instance jobs, navigate to the integration instance for which you would like to examine (Integrations > Integration > Integration instance), and select Instance Jobs.

You will find a table outlining all known jobs for that instance. The table displays the following information:

  • Job ID: The unique identifier for the job instance.
  • Job Status: Indicates the status of the job and highlights if there were any issues.
  • Start Date and End Date: The date and time the job began and completed
  • Execution time: The amount of time the job took to complete.

Instance job logs

Additionally, you can view a log of each instance job by clicking the instance Job ID from the Instance Jobs table.


If there were any issues with the job, the log can provide additional context for where the issue may have occurred while the job was trying to run.

Instance job statues

The status and errorsOccurred properties indicate the result of the job.

IN_PROGRESSThe job is currently ingesting and processing the data retrieved from the source.
CONFIGURATION_FAILUREThe job was unable to begin ingestion due to invalid configuration or credentials. Please update your integration configuration and/or credentials to resolve this issue.
COMPLETEDThe job completed ingestion and processing without any known errors.
COMPLETED_WITH_WARNINGSThe job completed ingestion and processing with missing data due to ingestion limits or missing provider permissions.
COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORSThe job completed ingestion and processing with unexpected errors. The successfully collected data will be available in JupiterOne.
FAILEDThe job failed to ingest and/or process the data. No changes were made to the data within JupiterOne.


During the execution of a job, if an error level job event is logged, the errorsOccurred boolean is set to true. A job with status FAILED or COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS will always have errorsOccurred set to true.

Run an integration instance

In addition to instances running regularly on a determined polling interval, you have the ability to manually initiate an integration instance for ad-hoc results.


This is a great way to test your integration configuration to ensure it is operating as it should immediately after creation.

You can run an integration instance at any time by navigating to that particular instance (Integrations > Integration > Integration instance), and selecting Run integration.

This will initiate an instance job to run, and you will be able to review the instance job and logs once the job has completed.

Edit an instance

You can change your instance settings, while viewing an integration instance by clicking Edit. Doing so allows you to adjust any of the information used during the creation of the integration.

Remove an instance

To remove an integration instance, simply navigate to that particular instance from within the Integrations tab: Integrations > Integration name > Integration instance to be deleted.

Select the Instance Name of the instance you wish to delete, and click Delete.


This will delete all existing data within JupiterOne that is tied to the integration instance.